NEW public housing model will be introduced –

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NEW public housing model will be introduced

Well, the government have to do their best to provide affordable homes to the people

I know, when you read the title, you think “another new model?” Yes, I had the same thought too. However, let’s face it. The government of the day, whether this one or the next one would have to do something for the benefit of the rakyat who needs a roof over their head.

It can be a small place, it can be a room or it could be a flat of 550 sq ft (same size as the typical studio units) and all these choices would allow the rakyat who REALLY (those who does not quality, please buy your own home and don’t you take away such opportunities. Shame on you!) could not afford a home to have a place to sleep comfortably every day.

Article in Minister of Housing and Local Government (KPKT) Nga Kor Ming said in Hong Kong that there will be a new public housing called Program Residensi Rakyat (PRR).

He said the PRR would be well-integrated, sustainable and liveable, accommodating quality commercial viability, green spaces, community centre and other features.

The construction cost of each PRR unit, he said, would also be increased to RM300,000, offering the low-income group quality homes with a piecemeal price.

Under the new PRR, a unit costing RM300,000 would be selling at RM60,000. Out of the RM60,000, about RM10,000 to RM15,000 will be set aside for maintenance and sinking funds.

He said, “There will also be a moratorium whereby in 10 years, you cannot sell the PRR unit, as we do not want irresponsible parties to take advantage of our social housing because this is a privilege for you to be afforded a heavy subsidy.“ Article in

Hong Kong is not the best place to learn from yeah

If we are talking about public housing, I have to say that Hong Kong is not the best place to learn from yeah. In fact, it’s easier to buy an affordable place here in Malaysia versus Hong Kong even if their median salary after conversion is much higher than Malaysia yeah. Below show their average salary and the number is really very ‘optimistic’ but the reality for people to afford public housing is not.


Singapore’s public housing model is better but do we have the same condition?

Be frank. How many times have our affordable home plans been changing its name and the programme? Many times. How many times has Singapore changed their affordable home plan aka Housing Development Board? Not a single time because they have the SAME strong government which once it has decided could be implemented without much intervention or interference from different stakeholders. If policies are not certain, it will always be tough to implement it properly. I leave it to you to think about this further.

Let’s have one successful launch and post-launch as an example

I am looking forward to such a RM300,000 unit and also the post-launch maintenance. If you ask me, I really hope this would work well because too many people say they could not afford a property and thus they are renting. Well, renting means all their saving will be wasted to renting and the one they are renting from would be laughing while after 10 years, all these people who are renting would then realize they were simply subsidizing the owner for the last 10 years of them renting. Sigh, truth hurts.

Please do share if you believe others could benefit too. Thank you.

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