Google To Add Site Reputation Abuse To Spam Reporting Tool

1 minute, 17 seconds Read

Danny Sullivan, Google’s Search Liaison, said that the search company will add the upcoming site reputation abuse policy to the spam reporting tool when the policy begins to be enforced. So sometime after May 5, 2024, the report spam form will gain a new option to report site reputation abuse.

Sullivan said this on X, responding to a question if the form will gain this new option. Sullivan responded saying, “Yes, it should get updated to allow reporting of that spam type when that policy takes effect.”

As a reminder, Google’s new spam algorithm update also introduced new spam policies including the upcoming site reputation abuse policy that won’t go into effect until May 2024 – May 5th to be precise.

Google said it would fight this spam using both manual actions and algorithms, like it does many forms of search spam. And one way it will do that is based off of you reporting such spam; i.e. snitching on your competitors. 🙂

Forum discussion at X.

Note: This was pre-written and scheduled to be posted today, I am currently offline for Passover.

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