Daily Search Forum Recap: March 14, 2024

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Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search forums on the web.

Google posted an FAQ on pure spam manual actions. Microsoft is rolling out a new Microsoft Advertising console. Google local panels have a ton of new UI tests. Bing is testing a new video block in the search results. Google Business Profiles for hotels has new filter options. Oh, and 24 hours later, JohnMu’s site is back in the Google index.

Search Engine Roundtable Stories:

  • Google Official FAQ On Pure Spam Manual Action

    Google has posted an FAQ on what to do if you received a pure spam manual action. This was posted by Ryan T. from Google who titled his post in the Google Webmaster Help forums as Received a ‘Pure Spam’ Manual Action Notice? See What It Means for Your Site and How to Address It.

  • New Interface For Microsoft Advertising Console

    Microsoft seems to be rolling out a new Microsoft Advertising console design. The new interface is more modern and possibly more efficient to use.

  • Numerous Google Local Panel User Interface Updates

    Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve been informed of a number of local user interface changes to the Google local panels in the search results. Here are some of those changes, not including what I already covered here.

  • Google Business Profile For Hotels Tests New Filter Options

    Google seems to be testing new filter options for hotel listings within Google Business Profiles. When you click on a specific hotel, Google can show filters for reviews, dates, guests and about the hotel.

  • Bing Search Tests New Video Block Design In Search Results

    Bing is testing a new design for how it shows some videos in the Bing search results interface. Now they are testing showing a bar across the search results page, as opposed to just a video card or video search results.

  • Wilson Castaway Ball At Google NYC

    Here is a photo from the Google New York City office of a ball. It is not just any ball, it is the ball from the Castaway movie, the Wilson soccer ball.

Other Great Search Threads:

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