Daily Search Forum Recap: December 6, 2023

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Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search forums on the web.

Bing launched Deep Search, also known as Search Harder, for some users, plus announced a bunch of Copilot features. Google Search Console is dropping the product results search appearance filter from the performance report. Google seems to be showing how-to-rich results again, for some reason. The “you visit often” label is showing up now. There is a known issue with site names for some internal pages. Google is testing a lite knowledge panel snippet.

Search Engine Roundtable Stories:

  • Bing Introduces Deep Search & Other AI Copilot Enhancements

    Microsoft has announced a new search feature to Bing Search named Deep Search. Deep Search is an “enhancement” to Bing Search that provides “deeper and richer exploration of the web,” but it is slow. Also, Microsoft announced several improvements to Copilot, formerly known as Bing chat.
  • Google Search Lite Knowledge Panel Snippet

    Google is testing a lite version of a knowledge panel, maybe a knowledge panel “snippet” in the mobile search results. It is a snippet that looks like a sub-knowledge panel design with a way to dig into a specific entity, like you would with a full-size knowledge panel in Google Search.
  • Known Issue: Google Site Names With Some Internal Pages

    Google has been battling with site name issues since it launched the site name feature in October 2022 for mobile and then site names for desktop results in March 2023. Now, Google confirmed a known issue where the site name for internal pages may take a lot longer for Google to show properly than the home page.

  • Google Search “You Visit Often” Label

    When Google announced its more personalized search experience last month, Google said it would show you results you visit more often at the top. Google said those results would be labeled “you visit often” in the search result snippet. That label seemed to have started to roll out earlier this week.

  • Google How-To Rich Results Also Returning To Search?

    As a reminder, in August, Google stopped showing the How-to rich results on the mobile search results, and then in September, they did the same for desktop results. Well, they seem to be returning to the Google Search results, around the same time we saw the FAQ-rich results start showing again in Google Search.

  • Google Search Console To Remove Product Results Search Appearance Filter From Performance Reports

    Google is going to remove the Product results search appearance filter from both the Performance report in Search Console and from the Search Console API. This will happen in about a month, sometime in January 2024.

  • Turkey Roaming Around GooglePlex

    Here is a random photo I found on Instagram from the main Google headquarters, the GooglePlex, in Mountain View, California. It is of a wild turkey just roaming around the campus there. We’ve seen dea

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