Daily Search Forum Recap: April 8, 2024

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Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search forums on the web.

Bing is testing removing its cache link from the search results, like Google did. Bing is also testing from sources across the web. Google said if you disallow internal links, you will regret it. Google is testing sponsored sticky labels in the search results. The Google shop all deals shows for 40-50% of search results. And Google had its solar eclipse Doodle today.

Search Engine Roundtable Stories:

  • Bing Tests Removing Cache Link From Search Results

    Bing is testing removing the cache link from its search results. This is something Google tested for a few months prior to officially dropping the cache link from its search results back in January. Now Microsoft is making the same move with its search engine, Bing.

  • Bing Search Tests From Sources Across The Web

    Bing is testing showing what Google calls from sources across the web in its Bing Search results. Bing shows a listing of the various options based on your query and says it was “generated using AI.”

  • Google Tests Sticky Sponsored Label As You Scroll Down Search Ads

    Google is testing a sticky sponsored label in the Google Search results as you scroll down the search results and scroll past various Google Ads. The sponsored labels disappear as you get to the organic/free listings and then reappear when you go back to those Google Ads.

  • Google Search Shop All Deals Banner Shows On 40-50% Of Search Results

    Since before last year’s holiday season, we have been seeing a “Shop All Deals” banner-like ad in the Google Search results for e-commerce and other queries. Boyd Norwood from nozzle.io looked at their data and found that this banner shows up 40-50% of the time over the last four or so months.

  • Google: Don’t Disallow Internal Footer Links

    Google’s John Mueller recommended that you do not disallow your internal footer links. A Reddit thread asked, “Should I disallow some pages that are in footer?” John replied, “If you do this, future-you will be annoyed by the problems current-you is creating.”

  • Google’s Total Eclipse 2024 Doodle

    Today is the total solar eclipse and while we know about the neat Google Search solar eclipse easter egg, today, Google has a special Doodle for the total eclipse of 2024.

  • Google Plush Shaggy Carpet

    Here is a photo I found on Instagram from a Google event at the New York City office. It looks like they took out the big white plush and shaggy carpet for the event.

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