Penn celebrates Match Day 2024

MD/PhD candidate Joseph Aicher, bound for the University of Michigan, hugs his wife Bernadette Bucher, PhD, while Peter (in wagon) and Madeleine look on. The Jordan Medical Education Center fifth floor lobby was brimming with giddy nerves and excitement on Match Day—except for the corner nearest the door to the roof garden, where a meltdown […]

Mapping pancreatic cancer to improve immunotherapy

Gregory L. Beatty, MD, PhD Training the body’s own immune system to attack cancer cells is known as immunotherapy and it’s a treatment option that’s been highly effective for many cancer types, including lung cancer and melanoma. However, despite decades of research, immunotherapy has yet to break through for some of the most challenging types […]

Bringing the Hospital Home

Michelle and Steve Lengle Since his 2020 diagnosis with multiple sclerosis, Steve Lengle has had good and bad days. The bad days are becoming more frequent as his condition continues to decline, causing debilitating pain, weakness, and fatigue, and affecting everything from his memory to his ability to walk.  Even on his worst days, Steve, […]