A medical student learns the meaning of patient trust

By Ella Eisinger Ella Eisinger Ella Eisinger is a fourth-year medical student at the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine. The essay below was a winner in this year’s American Board of Internal Medicine Foundation’s Building Trust Essay Contest, which explores the projects and initiatives by students in health professions around the theme of […]

Charting a new frontier with psychedelic drugs

Are psychedelic drugs about to begin a long, strange trip toward use in a clinical setting? Or do the challenges of studying psychedelics, and the ethical risks of therapy, raise too many questions to introduce them into mainstream medicine?   As debate continues if—and how—psychedelics should be used, a Food and Drug Administration advisory committee recently […]

The art and science of cancer care

Photo by © ASCO/Phil McCarten 2024 Lynn Schuchter, MD, recently completed her term as the 2023-2024 President of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)—the leading professional society for cancer care—as part of a career that began at Penn Medicine 30 years ago.   Over those three decades, Schuchter has witnessed remarkable progress in cancer care and survivorship, […]

How ‘invitations’ brought mammogram rates up

The first few waves of COVID-19 slowed life across the United States, affecting everything from attending school to eating out for dinner and going on vacation. Segments of health care were also affected: Services that were not considered immediately crucial to fighting the virus were slowed or stopped during the pandemic’s first wave.   But once […]