UKCLA Early Career Workshop in Constitutional Law and Theory – UK Constitutional Law Association

University of Bristol Law School, 1 July 2024 We are excited to announce a one-day workshop for PhD candidates and early-career academics whose research interests fall broadly within constitutional law and theory. The workshop will allow PhD candidates and early-career scholars to present their research, receive constructive feedback from established scholars and network with other […]

Early Career Workshop in Public Law, Labour Law, Migration & Asylum, and Human Rights – UK Constitutional Law Association

SLS Sponsored Collaborative Workshop for PhD Candidates and Early Career Academics in Public Law, Labour Law, Migration & Asylum, and Human Rights Durham, 20 June 2024 We are pleased to announce a collaborative one-day workshop for PhD candidates and early career academics to be held on 20 June 2024 at Durham University. The workshop is […]

Paul F Scott: Spying on Parliamentarians – UK Constitutional Law Association

The Investigatory Powers (Amendment) Bill was introduced into Parliament before Christmas, starting in the House of Lords, to which it will shortly return for consideration of Commons amendments. Generally, the progress of the Bill, much of which implements recommendations made by Lord Anderson of Ipswich in his review of the Investigatory Powers Act 2016 of June 2023, […]

A Future Constitutional Battleground? Expropriation, Compensation, and the Right to Peaceful Enjoyment of Property under the European Convention on Human Rights – UK Constitutional Law Association

As it becomes clear the Labour Party is on course to win the next general election, greater attention is being paid to their intended programme for government. Despite the current leadership disowning policies from the 2017 and 2019 manifesto, the Labour Party remains committed to expropriation in a limited number of areas: renationalising the railways, publicly […]

Solange 50th Anniversary Conference/ Global South Network lecture – Supreme Constitutional Court of Palestine – UK Constitutional Law Association

Constitutionalism Beyond the State and the Role of Domestic Constitutional Courts 30-31 May 2024, WZB Berlin Social Science Centre Almost fifty years have passed since the German Federal Constitutional Court rendered one of its most widely discussed and influential decisions: Solange I. On May 29, 1974, the Court famously held that it would review European Community […]

Call for Guest Editors of Public Law’s Annual Themed Analysis Section (2025) – UK Constitutional Law Association

The Editorial Committee of Public Law invites Guest Editors to submit proposals for a themed set of ‘Analysis’ papers to be published in the April 2025 issue of the journal. This set of papers will follow publication—in April 2023—of the papers on ‘Government Outsourcing in the Modern Administrative State’ (curated by Joe Tomlinson (York) and Janina Boughey […]

Making Government Work, or ‘How I learned to stop worrying and love the Centre of Government’ – UK Constitutional Law Association

How should the Centre of government (i.e., No 10 and the Cabinet Office) organise itself so that it is effective and ensures effective government more generally? A recent report, Power with Purpose (PWP), by the Commission for the Centre of Government under the auspices of the Institute for Government, reminds us of the difficulties of managing and […]