Global South Network Judges Guest Lecture Series – Online Lecture – UK Constitutional Law Association

“BEING A JUDGE IN ISRAEL; TAKING JUDGING SERIOUSLY”: ONLINE GUEST LECTURE BY JUSTICE RUTH RONNEN, THE SUPREME COURT OF ISRAEL PART OF THE GLOBAL SOUTH NETWORK JUDGES GUEST LECTURE SERIES 25 AUGUST 2024, 10:00 am UK time/12:00pm Israel time Previously, the Global South Network invited all to attend the guest talk of Honourable Justice Ali […]

The Territorial Constitution and the 2024 UK General Election – UK Constitutional Law Association

The Liberal Democrat, Conservative and Labour manifestos offer markedly different visions for the future of devolution in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland after the 2024 UK General Election . At one extreme, the Liberal Democrats offer fundamental constitutional reform. If elected, they have promised to ‘transfer greater powers away from Westminster and Whitehall’ by ‘[strengthening] the voices of England, Wales, Scotland […]

Understanding the Effects of a Constructive Dismissal

Effects of a Constructive Dismissal When an employer dismisses an employee without sending them a formal termination notice, this is known as a constructive dismissal. Understanding the effects of a constructive dismissal can help employees understand their options, including filing a claim for wrongful termination. A constructive dismissal occurs when your employer makes a significant […]

Necessary remedy or unwarranted interference with judicial independence? – UK Constitutional Law Association

For the first time, by way of the Post Office (Horizon System) Offences Act (“the Act”), Parliament has legislated to quash criminal convictions. In this post I will argue that, no matter how understandable, indeed laudable, the intention behind this legislation, in its haste to offer a speedy and comprehensive correction to mass injustice, Parliament has crossed […]

Secessionism and the Vulnerability of Parliamentary Sovereignty – UK Constitutional Law Association

Introduction Recently Texas governor Gregg Abbott openly defied the federal government over migration control. Echoing ‘the secessionist rhetoric’ of the Confederacy and Civil War Era, he claimed that the federal government ‘has broken the compact between the United States and the States’. This incident not only brings to light Texas’s various secessionist movements, such as […]