
Breaking Barriers to a Foundational Early Childhood Education

A solid early education serves as a cornerstone for a child’s future. It shapes their physical, cognitive, social and emotional development while setting them on a path to success in both their academic journey and overall life experiences. However, many young children have limited access to high-quality educational opportunities because of socioeconomic factors and technological […]

Terminology, Concepts, and Practice – UK Constitutional Law Association

This post argues that the terminology of “reserve powers” and “personal prerogatives” are inaccurate and misleading descriptions of the royal powers of prime ministerial appointment, the dissolution of Parliament, and royal assent. They should be described in our constitutional writing as the “formal” or “ceremonial” powers of the royal Head of State. They are distinguishable […]

Istraživanje tvrdi: Ovo je 10 zanimanja u kojima ljudi najviše varaju partnere

NAKON što je novo britansko istraživanje pokazalo da nevjerojatnih 85 posto afera počinje na radnom mjestu – pri čemu je svaki peti ispitanik priznao prevaru s kolegom/icom – mnogi su se počeli pitati koje profesije imaju sklonost varanju, piše The Sun. Stručnjaci tvrtke Rant Casino ispitali su 3800 pojedinaca diljem Velike Britanije kako bi saznali […]